I blog about beauty and maybe someone will except to have quite a lot of makeup brushes around but nope,that's not the case at all!All my makeup brushes both for face and eyes are from Real Technique and i bought them after a while than i started writing in this blog!
I was on a budget,every other option that i was looking was so much pricey than i could afford so i gave them a try!I so didn't regret it at all...
Maybe you're in that situation too and let me tell you,you don't need to spent a fortune to brushes in order to have the result that you want!Especially if you start now with the makeup or if you want to experiment to see what works for you or not,that's the way to do it!
So not further do,today i will talk about my favorite face makeup brushes,which i use every single day for my makeup!
Starting from the left...
Powder Brush :As the name says,this is what i use it for...powder!
It's a big,thick,full brush,not exactly round,it's like you push it a little in the middle and i like it because you can apply the product so beautiful,without make the face looks all powdery!
Because it has a big head,you can cover all your face with just a couple of moves,which make the result more natural!
Blush Brush : I use it for basically everything powdery on my cheek area!I blend my contour with it,apply my bronzer and blush and i just love it!
It has a pretty convenient shape,pretty fluffy on the bottom but gets quiet pointy as you go on the top!
This makes everything so much easier!It blends the product so beautifully and you can be precise because you actually touch the skin with the top of the brush which is smaller!
The next two brushes is from a set,the Core Collection one,which i'm sure that you heard about before as it's everywhere!
Buffing Brush : Can i say that this is the most popular one among all the others?
I feel that everyone have one of those and if you don't already you need it in your life!
This is what makes me bought this set in the first place and then all the other brushes from this brand followed along!
This is THE foundation brush!I don't know how we apply it before with those flat brushes (that was some skills) but thankfully this came around and changes everything!
It's a short,full brush which blend the foundation and concealer so easily,gives a full coverage look but so flawless at the same time!
Contour Brush : I start using it pretty recently because i didn't had idea before where to use it!It says that on the name but when i try it for my contouring did like it much!I prefer when i use powdery contouring products to apply them very precisely and then blend upwards!
I try it though with creamy products,which i use them all the time lately,like creamy contouring,blush,highlighter and i really enjoy it!
It gives a pretty flawless look and blends everything easily,as it has similar shape with the blush brush!It gets quite pointy in the top,so you can concentrate in the area that you want to work with!
Overall,all the brushes are such a good quality,super soft (as i'm writing this post i can't stop touch them) and pretty affordable which make them accessible to everybody!
Also,they have synthetic bristles,so easy to clean as they don't build the product inside,not even the foundation one and no matter how many times i washed them already,they look like brand new without losing any of the bristles!
Did you try out any of those brushes before?I will love to read in the comments below any other recommendation for brushes,about your favorites and also what would you like to read next around here ^_^
Keep Smile :)
xx Aphrodite